Monday, February 25, 2013

The Escalator Analogy, Mk. II

Today’s post was inspired by a song we sing in church pretty often. The song is called “There is a Peace” by Sojourn.

 After a recent trip to Haiti, my fatigued team and I were moving to our waiting area in the Miami Airport. As we were walking, I was carrying on conversation with my best friend who was walking next to me. We were bemoaning how all the good times go so fast, and all the bad times seem to never end. I then shared my perspective that life is like a conveyor belt, and we are unable to move faster or slower than the uniform, unchanging conveyor belt’s speed. This mental image had helped me gain some perspective in the past. I then followed it up with a metaphor of considerably less quality: the Escalator Analogy.

 We were riding an escalator, which is similar to a conveyor belt, so I attempted to adapt my device to fit our scenario. “Life is like this escalator. It has a beginning and an end. And all we can do is wait until we get from one end to the other . . . except you can’t move forward . . . or backward  . . . It’s kinda like being on an escalator with Derren (one of the team members) directly in front and another Derren directly behind . . .” At that point the analogy fell apart as I realized I couldn’t salvage it.

One of the problems with the perspective presented in the conveyor belt and escalator analogies (and the perspective many people have on life) is the spirit that it creates within me. I see life and time then as spanning on in front and behind without any idea where the ride ends, just helpless to affect my progress on the belt and moving along at a uniform speed. I feel rather depressed and held back, restricted.

Now this isn’t really a big deal, I suppose, but my perspective was wonderfully reformed during worship on Sunday. As we were singing the aforementioned song, the line “There is a peace that is calling you home” caught my eye. That phrase “calling you home” really stuck out to me. All of the sudden, I had a new idea on life. Regardless as to where we are, whether on an escalator or a conveyor belt or anything else, Jesus is calling us home. His irresistible call of love is daily drawing us nearer to the beautiful consummation of the next life. We still aren’t able to do much to change or impede time’s progress, but we can look to our Guide Who is standing at the end, calling for us with joy, encouraging us to keep moving forward.

 With this in mind, we can look at such troublesome thoughts as the prospect of getting old with a new outlook. The older we get, the closer we are to that point when we reach the end of the ride and run into our Savior’s arms.

 This may seem rather petty or far-out, but it is something that has been laid on my heart for a while, and I felt like sharing.

-In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. These are some comforting thoughts. Thanks, brother. Amidst the busyness of life, with all its demands, with all the expectations that are placed upon us by others, and even with the constant call to be engaged in the mission of God, it is wonderful to know that we are accepted in Christ and that we are indeed moving forward with great anticipation toward the inheritance that is ours in Christ. There is certainly a "peace" in knowing this.
